"Humour I think is very important - and I would hate to go to heaven, if there wasn't any humour there." click photo to enlarge Links to Coral-related websites click here Coral Johanson, known to millions as Coral Polge, has passed to spirit last year after a long and exhausting illness. Her life as a psychic artist, medium and spiritual philosopher was one of the most amazing experiences a human can have. Some moments of this amazing life shall be remembered on this website. Her life was dedicated to the vivid demonstration of the many ways the spiritual work is interacting with the material world on multiple levels. Her humour, critical and self-critical brilliance and her kindness and care made her friends everywhere in the world. Coral was one of the greatest and simplest teachers of mediumship who inspired and trained many psychic and mediumistic people. She portrayed (without any commercial interest at all, in the same spirit as her husband Tom) over 60.000 people as a medium that contacted her from the spirit world. Her perfect, photographic likeness of deceased people that she had never seen or heard about before, made her world famous and guest in every major television program. With her unique gift she was able to make the spiritual world and the many ways in which our beloved ones "from the other side" are communicating with us for many people on earth understandable. This website shall be dedicated to her psychic and artistic work and her spiritual philosophy and the healing and teaching work of her husband Tom Johanson. We will collect and show in the future materials and stories about her and her work and philosophy. All your practical contributions (e-mail, articles, stories, pictures, advice, links, contacts) are welcome. Many articles about Coral appeared in Psychic News and the (not longer published) German magazine esotera. We hope to find some more work of her in their archives or through this web site. Corel Polge and Medium Stephen O'Brien in a double demonstration of psychic art and mediumship click photo to enlarge |